Spaces migration to WordPress–Awesome!

I have to tell you, when I first heard the news that Windows Live Spaces were being retired I was a little concerned and bewildered.  Admittedly, Spaces never lived up to my expectations to become a serious blogging platform, but being the dyed in the wool corporate supporter that I am, I had hope that by staying the course and driving feedback into the product it would improve.  But my hope had been fading as with each new wave of Windows Live enhancements, Spaces seemed to spin further and further out of orbit with the rest of the Windows Live world.  So, I felt – was my half hearted and languishing blog blog finally being jettisoned out into deep space (pun intended)?

So, this morning I received the migration notice email and I had a decision to make – let my blog go quietly into that good night, or cross the chasm to join a new orbit around a distant star.  I chose the latter, and I have to tell you the teleportation process was wonderful.  In a few easy, well explained and light hearted steps (loved the levity about the legalese, btw!) I have broken on through to the other side.  And now here I am on WordPress, complete with an integrated Windows Live Writer authoring experience that is first class all the way.

Goodbye, and thank you Windows Live Spaces – you’re careful guidance and help to move me to the kind world of WordPress is greatly appreciated. Live Long and Prosper.

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